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IDEXX Neospora Ab Test

Neosporosis/Neospora caninum

The IDEXX Neospora Ab Test is an enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies against Neospora caninum in serum and plasma samples of ruminants. 

The IDEXX Neospora Ab Test includes chemical reagents (wash, substrate, stop solutions) that can also be used with IDEXX kits that test for other abortive diseases (B. abortus, Q fever, toxoplasmosis, Chlamydia).

* Availability / Distribution: Outside the U.S. 


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Test details


  • Serum or plasma samples (bovine, caprine, ovine)

Part numbers and sizes

NET1135T (2 plates/strips)

About Neosporosis/Neospora caninum

Neospora caninum is a protozoal (Apicomplexan) parasite that has been described to cause abortion and neonatal morbidity in cattle, sheep, goats and horses. It has been reported as one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle. The dog has been identified as the definitive host. Primary transmission is through congenital infections and the spread of Neospora oocysts.

Use of ELISA testing allows herd veterinarians to assess infection or exposure status and monitor immune status in Neospora caninum-vaccinated herds.

* Not all products are available and/or registered in every country.